It's so hard to find a good body moisturizer that is fragrance-free, not slimy feeling, easy to apply, and doesn't have dimethicone. I know dimethicone is added to make products "cosmetically elegant," but I don't like how it feels on my skin. It's too slippery and it pills.Normally with body butters, because they're so rich, I find that it takes forever to absorb. I have to wait before I put on clothes, which just annoys me. This one goes on without needing a lot of rubbing and sinks into my skin quickly. But my skin still feels moisturized and I don't have to reapply often. The only time I had to reapply was when I was up in the mountains during a snowstorm and had the heater cranking 24/7.I have tried other body moisturizers designed for skin with eczema and so far, this one is my favorite. And like the subject line says, no more dry, itchy skin!